Tuesday 12 June 2012

De-C seven to fourteen.

Wow, its been a week since i have posted here, so much for putting something every day. Last wednesday ( the first day that i didnt post) I did something to my back, I found that it was quite painful when i backed the car out of sheri's drive, it got a bit worse so wednesday evening I lay on the couch with a hot water bottle on it. Warren cooked dinner and also massaged my back a couple of times. Thursday morning went in a flash,phone calls and visits, finally did the shopping and then remembered that I was working that afternoon. Asked warren to get fish and chips as i would be home late. Friday morning got the news about mum, so many calls thru the rest of the day. saturday was a shitty day, wet, cold no footy til late. I had unearthed some wooden coathangers from years ago plus excess material so I put the two together, finished off yesterday. Not de-cluttering as such but at least now they are usable. Have two more boxes of clothes to go to Vinnies, some I have kept but looking at them, I wouldnt wear so out they go. Chucked a few more things from the bathroom, starting to get quite ruthless, it seems wasteful but then is there is much pointhaving things that I have not used and cant see myself using in the near future. looking at the sewing room, I have heaps of craft stuff, am I going to use it? some I think I will hang on to awhile longer maybe when I am no longer working, I may make some stuff but I have it all in one place now. I know that lots of stuff have gone out but except for the pantry, I cant really notice the difference. I have some furniture to get rid of as well but cant do it yet, maybe at the weekend. Packed up some wool for warren to take to a lady at tennis but tennis was cancelled on Monday due to rain so thats still in the car. She knits socks so this is wool that had come from Mum that I couldnt/wouldnt use. Will be away for four days so maybe I will try for a big day tomorrow of de-cluttering, the linen cupboard is full and I rarely open it as bedclothes and towels are washed and used again so no rotation at all.

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