Tuesday 26 June 2012

Baby sitting

First day of hols and we are babysitting! lol. Sunday we drove to Jason's place to mind the kids for Monday. We also had Jack and Katie, the four of them amused themselves, all we did really was feed them and wash the dishes after. Traffic was bad on the way home, we had left at 3.45 to avoid the traffic but no we didnt! There was a woman stuck in the middle lane which held up traffic but we were still home by 5pm. It had been a lousey day weather wise, cold, overcast and miserable so i made corn chowder for dinner. Watched Masterchef, I was hoping that Andrew would go out, at 7.30, Amaxing race was on so had to channel flick, it was Sam who left and AR was non elimation leg. Then we watched Sam Stouer win her first round at Wimbleton. Got six replies in all from house sitters, have now closed it and selected three to check references. Two single women and a couple. I havent moved off the computer this morning except to do the w3ashing and thats gone in the dryer, today is also a yucky day. Must get back to de-cluttering this afternoon.

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