Tuesday 26 June 2012

Meat, meat and more meat!

Monday and Tuesday is pension day at the wholesale butchers. Warren went there weeks ago and the meat so good. We went today and bought up big, keeping in mind that we only have eight weeks before we leave. Spent $120 and got pork chops a ham, 3 chickens for $10, mince, lamb chops. The freezer is abs full and I have some in fridge which we will need to cook in the next couple of days. I was looking for corned beef but they didnt seem to have any, couldnt fit it in anyway. Sat down for afternoon tea, an apple as scales are not being kind to me atm, the phone rings, I pick it up and a voice says "nihao" my first thought which student is this and do I really want to talk to them as their english if its not too good is made worse on the phone, anyway it was John from Canada, wanting to check when we get into Hangzhou. He is looking at a flight at gets in at 9pm an hour after us. They are also flying into Guangzhou so we may catch with them then. Sherrill says she is taking their silk doona, worthwhile thinking about it.

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