Wednesday 27 June 2012

De-cluttering day 26 or so!

Decided that we needed to do some housework this morning and instead of leaving our bedroom til last, started there first. While tidying things away, suddenly we found that we were throwing things out and then we went thru clothes. I have another three boxes of clothes to go our, they are in the car but the weather is wet so dont want to put them anywhere as they will be ruined. At least they are in the car ready to go. I also packed away summer clothes and have put some stuff in the top room ready to take to China.
Settled on outr house sitters last night so that is crossed off the list. We ended up went with the couple who are from Tassie and have been house sitting for nine or ten years. They want to settle in Qld as they say that Tassie is too cold for them as they are getting older, they are 65 and 64. Cooking a chicken in the crock pot, have only ever used it for soups and stews but I sprayed the chook and put it in after lunch and have just added some vegetables. went to Bunnings to buy hooks, we are going to hang a curtain in the passageway should keep the warmth in the living areas, I have read about window quilts and I am going to make one of those to hang inside the little window in our bedroom. we can feel the cold air coming off the window and straight down on us, its hasnt been too babd so far this year YET! Didnt get the vacummning done, maybe tomorrow or Friday. I have 20 Red Hat ladies coming on Tuesday so I'd better do it before then.

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