Sunday 24 June 2012

House sitters

Grrr! on the rounds of looking for house sitters again. Simon finally got back to me saying that thery had been away from communication and that they couldnt help us with house sitting at this time. I put up an ad with house carers, who I have used before and also contacted two sitters who's profile say thet are available for that time. This morning I have had one reply from a single women in her sixties, had to check if it/she was some-one we knew but it seems not. i have sent a reply and said that we would make a definate choice with the week. i would like to have a few to choose from and try to pick like minded people, have never had a single person before. This time we are not going to worry about getting them to pay for electricity and phone. With solar panels on and a set rate for phone its not the big deal that it used to be. i didnt get as much done yesterday as I wanted to but I did a bit of this and a bit of that, all in all, a good restful day. About to go shopping now (food) Icould clean a pair of boots! so my darling hubby suggested, my reply cannot be put into print. (i think he got the idea that I wasn't going to clean HIS boots)

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