Monday 25 April 2022

My holiday project

 I bought two bags of mill ends (wool) at Spotlight, one bag was purple and the other yellow. I had also visited the opp shop and picked up some small balls of wool, all different colours, these were in an A4 plastic sleeve for a dollar.

My plan was to use the small balls for the centres then three rows of yellow and three rows of purple making approx 10 inch square. Squares are easier to handle and dont get too hot but twenty should make a decent sized blanket.

It was a project to take away and the aim was to do one square a day. I did start earlier and by the time we got home, I only needed three to complete the twenty. Of course the purple started to run low so some have more yellow.

Sunday was stitch up day and I also had some of my temperature blanket to catch up and stitch some of that too, thank goodness for football.

Finished result, purple and yellow wool is thicker so it will be quite warm, still have many of the little bits and pieces left over.

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