Wednesday 6 April 2022

Bush walking

 I went out with Sheridan on Tuesday.

Little caterpillar climbing up a tree. I learnt to use my Secret Santa fishing pole. I was tempted to try it out on my own on Sunday as I was driving past a place where I know there is a tree hide. Thank goodness I didnt as although I have used a  fishing pole before to retrieve a cache, it has been extended for me. My arms were shaking by the time I got the xache on the ground. It was a long way up and the pole gets very bendy.

Left here and the tree and went bush, oh boy, it wasnt very far only 338meters but thats as the crow flies. We needed to stop every so often as it was steep. My tracker says that

 we had an elevation of 73 metres.

Photos are of tge down hill return. One of cYalves are sore today

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