Friday 8 April 2022

Missing keys.

 Getting ready for our trip this morning and I was on the phone to my sister, it is her birthday and I was ready to go. Our house sitters were due mid morning, I had told tham that we wanted to leave about 10am.

House sitters have been there before so they only needed a quick refresher about Lucy's requirements.

Warren was buzzing around the house, I knew he was looking for sonething so finished my call and asked what he was looking for. My keys he said. He said he had looked in his back pack, I checked the car, sometimes he drops them into the console. They werent i  his usual hidey spot. He thought back, last time he had used them was Wednesday night.

The car was packed and he went out to start ghe car, it started. Maybe, his keys were in the car  or my bag with my car keys were close enough to start it. He moved my bag to the top bedroom, car started. Got to be in the car somewhere.

Warren started in the front and I went to the boot. My bike and his scooter were there plus Warrens spare shoes, I caught a glimpse of something shiny.  He had dropped his keys into his shoes to make sure he had them.

House sitters were late due to car troubles so we didnt leave until 11am, drove to Gympie to have lunch with Warren's sister who has moved there recently. Wow, she will be 88 this year and looks 20 to 30 years younger. Her oldest son was also there, he doesnt have the same genes, hes five years younger than Warren but looks older.

Now at a compact cabin in Bundaberg, we went for a walk to the local Chinese place. So good and enough for lunch tomorrow.

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