Tuesday 19 April 2022

Belyando River Crossing.

 This place is pretty remote, turn left at Charters Towers and keep going for 200 kms.

We had lunch here, heaps of parking even some hotel type rooms if you dont want to go any further. We have stopped here before when using this road. Its called the Gregory Development road and it is a good road less traffic than the Bruce highway.

 Shady spot to have lunch. Funny the things that stay in the mind or come back. Last time we were here, Warren broke a cup. I didnt remember how until I did almost the same thing. Concrete tables and benches on a raised concrete platform but the platform is only just bigger than the table. Warren had rinsed his cup and stepped off but he expected it to be bigger, his foot went over the side, his hands raised and cup hit the edge of the table.

A large horse float pulled up and they u loaded the horses for a drink, feed and a walk around, twenty minutes and they loaded up again. We did notice that the float was air conditioned.

Taken as we drove off, another hundred and ninety to Clermont where we were staying the night.

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