Sunday 24 April 2022


 What a name, I dare say it is an indigenous word but I have no idea what it means. We have stayed here before but in the caravan park which turned out to be just across tge road. 

It was the dearest motel of the trip, a bigger room and the furnishings were better so I suppose that jystified the price. There was also a restaurant attached to the motel byt we decided to walk down the town and buy takeaway.

A seafood place was 750 metres away, I checked my phone and there was a cache on tge way. 

 A painted water tank and if one reached under the steps, its amazing what could be found. 

We ordered dinner and stepped outside and saw an amazing amount of bats flying, they appearred to be coming from trees and flying above us starting jyst as the sun started to set, we watched fir approx 20 minutes until dinner was ready and it was too dark to see them any more. We estimated about 10,000, they are a problem in the town apparently.

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