Monday 25 April 2022

My holiday project

 I bought two bags of mill ends (wool) at Spotlight, one bag was purple and the other yellow. I had also visited the opp shop and picked up some small balls of wool, all different colours, these were in an A4 plastic sleeve for a dollar.

My plan was to use the small balls for the centres then three rows of yellow and three rows of purple making approx 10 inch square. Squares are easier to handle and dont get too hot but twenty should make a decent sized blanket.

It was a project to take away and the aim was to do one square a day. I did start earlier and by the time we got home, I only needed three to complete the twenty. Of course the purple started to run low so some have more yellow.

Sunday was stitch up day and I also had some of my temperature blanket to catch up and stitch some of that too, thank goodness for football.

Finished result, purple and yellow wool is thicker so it will be quite warm, still have many of the little bits and pieces left over.

Sunday 24 April 2022


 What a name, I dare say it is an indigenous word but I have no idea what it means. We have stayed here before but in the caravan park which turned out to be just across tge road. 

It was the dearest motel of the trip, a bigger room and the furnishings were better so I suppose that jystified the price. There was also a restaurant attached to the motel byt we decided to walk down the town and buy takeaway.

A seafood place was 750 metres away, I checked my phone and there was a cache on tge way. 

 A painted water tank and if one reached under the steps, its amazing what could be found. 

We ordered dinner and stepped outside and saw an amazing amount of bats flying, they appearred to be coming from trees and flying above us starting jyst as the sun started to set, we watched fir approx 20 minutes until dinner was ready and it was too dark to see them any more. We estimated about 10,000, they are a problem in the town apparently.

Saturday 23 April 2022


 We stopped here for lunch, there were a couple of caches and an earth cache which looked interesting and it was. It talked about holey rocks which came about by blasting but there were two rocks at a rest stop which lined up and were/are on the 150 meridum that makes the eastern standard time in Australia. Something else that I didnt know. Earth caches usually make me feel dumb as I am not terribly knowledgeable about geology but this was a good one and I could answer the questions.

Although it appears as one rock and one hole, the smaller hole up to the top right is in a similair rock approx 20 metres away.

Friday 22 April 2022

Adventure lab in Emerald

 First point started in the botancial gardens, then it was back into town to discover some history.

Impressive railway station.

The fountain was a tribute to all the men and women who served in WW1 and 2. The tubes of the fountain were for each fallen member from the area. The other side of this fountain were stone walls with every members name.

We also needed to find the town clock. 

Emerald botanical gardens

 Wow, did not realise that Emerald was big enough to have a botanical gardens. Entrance was overshadowed by a massive windmill. We followed a concrete path around a lake, plenty of trees shading the path which was very welcome as it was rather warm, 30 degrees.

Next were emus.

Ducks were swimming in a green lake, I assume there was a weed on the surface of the water.

Wednesday 20 April 2022


 Very nice tribute to veterans who served plus apparently the area was where the wearing of the emu feathers in their hats came about for the light horsemen. They would ride into battle but would fight dismounted with one soldier of a group of four taking charge of all four horses leading them out of harms way while the other three soldiers fought on tge ground


 My turn to drive and of course I get the bumpy bits, at least it didnt rain. In the past on long trips, it seems to rain when I take over the wheel. Recommended speed was 80kms due to rough surface.

The motel was attached to a pub and our room was upstairs.

There was a brace of painted carriages down the street that I grabbed a photo of and then we stopped out the road to get a cache, it was called bootie time. We stayed for two minutes and left, think the tree and its booties should be disposed of.

Tuesday 19 April 2022

Belyando River Crossing.

 This place is pretty remote, turn left at Charters Towers and keep going for 200 kms.

We had lunch here, heaps of parking even some hotel type rooms if you dont want to go any further. We have stopped here before when using this road. Its called the Gregory Development road and it is a good road less traffic than the Bruce highway.

 Shady spot to have lunch. Funny the things that stay in the mind or come back. Last time we were here, Warren broke a cup. I didnt remember how until I did almost the same thing. Concrete tables and benches on a raised concrete platform but the platform is only just bigger than the table. Warren had rinsed his cup and stepped off but he expected it to be bigger, his foot went over the side, his hands raised and cup hit the edge of the table.

A large horse float pulled up and they u loaded the horses for a drink, feed and a walk around, twenty minutes and they loaded up again. We did notice that the float was air conditioned.

Taken as we drove off, another hundred and ninety to Clermont where we were staying the night.

Monday 18 April 2022

The Strand

 After Jezzine barracks we wandered over to a seaside cafe for an iced coffee. 

It was very pleasant sitting watching kids playing in the rock pool.

When I worked at Jezzine, our 5kms run was out the gate and down along the strand to the sugarbowl. This was an upmarket hotel with air-conditioning units on the top with looked like the top pf one of those sugar dispensers that when tipped would only give obe teaspoon of sugar. 

I was not a runner so I would go down run/walk and then turn back after the mob were on their way back and join on the tail end. There is so many outlets and play areas now that would be almost impossible. A very pleasant walk with sculptures every so often.


Sunday 17 April 2022

Kissing point Jezzine Barracks

 I spent a lot of time at Jezzine barracks when we lived in Townsville. Of course its all changed now as the barracks has been relocated to Lavarack barracks. It was an Army Reserve unit and we trained many new recruits there. I mainly worked in the office but did do one stint as an instructor, that was fun, I preferred teaching weapons more than drill.

I also did my subject two for Sargent at Jezzine, that was advanced clerical.

None of the buildings remain except the museum and a couple of wooden huts that were used as the Q store.

We did a nice walk, starting with a hundred or so stone steps, around, checking our some interesting spots and sculptures.

 The rising sun which is the emblem on much defence things.

Two cool owls on a sign post.

Saturday 16 April 2022

Cattle grid

 Came across the longest cattle grid that I have ever seen. I guess it meant that the cattle had to cross the river rather than the road. 

A couple more photos from Charters Towers.

This was on top of the tower hill.

Friday 15 April 2022

Young farmers

 Shopping centre has a farm set up for the holidays for kids to plant and generally get down and dirty. We were goingbike riding and needed a pump so were there first thing, no kids at that time.

What a great idea.

Wednesday 13 April 2022

Floods in Charters Towers

 Charters is very dry being out west but along the highway just over the Burdidin River is a marker pole with the height of waters that had hit the place over the years. The bridge is very high above the road and we could see trees lying along the river bed that had been pushed to tge ground, they looked to have been between five and eight metres tall. Not uprooted just pushed over.

We did have to use these markers to work out a puzzle. Temp in Charters was 35 degrees.

Trip to Charters Towers

 Sheridan and I picked up Mick early and drove to Charters, 130ks away. Left at 6.30am and arrived at 10.30 stopping along the way to collect about 40 caches. For the day we did traditional, puzzles, multi, adventure labs, earth cache, virtual, tree climb (Micks domain) and one tree fishing but we were able use a natural pole.

I was making my way over to the others when I encountered this monster.

It was the second one that I almost walked into, very pale with a huge web.

Tuesday 12 April 2022


 A lot has changed in forty years since we lived here, more roads going this way and that plus flyovers!

We headed to Willows shopping centre as we needed some groceries before going to the house. We had been there before but when we lived here, it was an open block that Warren and a couple of neighbours used as putting practice.  

The mcmansion is about 15 minutes out of the cbd. Six bedrooms, a media room, three balconies with seating on each. Five double bedrooms downstairs, lounge/dining kutchen and master suite on the top floor and views either side.

Our bedroom, 

Ensuite, the bath is like a space ship with floor lights around it.

Main balcony 


 A late breakfast in Ayr.

Warren ordered a chai smoothie, it was far bigger than he expected. I have a slice of raisin toast with my coffee. We had stopped in Homehill as I needed a cache in that lical govt area well Ayr really but there was only two in Ayr so got one in Homehill just in case.

We bought a second car in Homehill many years ago, it was a yellow Torana, thats what I remember about Homehill.

After our breakfast we walked around town for a while.


Monday 11 April 2022

Claire View or Clear view

 Not sure on the name now but it was a tiny stop with a caravan park. The road seemed to go off for a few kms but I guess the new road was built around it. We could see and hear the main road and the trains. 

Very popular spot for families to stay right near the beach and there were volleyball nets up and other play equipment.

We left at 7am and walked down the road to collect two caches then drive to another four before rejoining Bruce highway.

An hour up the road and we turned left to collect some letterbox caches, grabbed the first one and on the logs were three names that we knew very well who had been there the night before. Collect nine letterbox then drove into Sarina for an early lunch.


The caravan park wascalled Barracrab.

Sunday 10 April 2022

Coffee break.

 Sheridan had told me that we needed this cache. It is very old and was placed on a certain date and between Rockhampton and Mackay.

I called it up on my phone so that we didnt miss it, it was at a driver revivor stop.

We drove in and my phone rings. Its Sheridan asking where are we, I told her that we had just pulled in the coffee break place. She said I thought it was your car. They were there and about to leave after a comfort stop and were walking back to the car. 

We sat and had a coffee, signed the cache and went our merry ways. Did feel a bit bad as I only had a couple of dollars in coins to give the vollies, I know that they only ask for a donation if you can but would have like to give more. Just dont have cash like we used to, its easier to swipe the card.

The shelter where they were giving out tea and/or coffee. Big park lots of toilets and places to sit, never stopped there before.

Fairy Meade house

 Warren and I had walked along the river back collecting information for an adventure lab. We have just been awarded another adventure lab to prepare and put out.

I saw a virtual close by, they are my favourites and new ones were issued only last month, we didnt get one bur got a lab so cant complain.

The virtual was very easy, go to fairy mead house and have a photo taken on the steps with caching name.

The house was inside the botanical gardens which opened at 5.30 every morning.

Very basic flowers but they give a good showing.


 Can always tell that we are north by the passing scenery. Must be north because of the sugar cane right up to the road.


 We elected not to take the camper trailer this time as we had the opportunity to stay in a share house, the Mc Mansion with the others, not there yet but it has six bedrooms and we have been given the main bedroom.

First night at Bundaberg, Warren had booked our stays. It was described as a "compact cabin". Yes, it was small but had every thing that we needed, including jug, toaster and microwave. Small bathroom with shower, hand basin and toilet.

Last night we were at a donga, cabin at a caravan park, towels ans soap were supplied but we had to use the caravan park facilities a short walk away. This CP had a restaurant attached and we had dinner there right on the beach. We sat looking out on the bezch but it started to rain so we had move further in.

Grilled barra with vegetables.

Tonight we are in a motel in Bowen, arrived early so taking advantage of the free wifi and resting. Good start to caching, eight yesterday and fifteen today.

Friday 8 April 2022

Missing keys.

 Getting ready for our trip this morning and I was on the phone to my sister, it is her birthday and I was ready to go. Our house sitters were due mid morning, I had told tham that we wanted to leave about 10am.

House sitters have been there before so they only needed a quick refresher about Lucy's requirements.

Warren was buzzing around the house, I knew he was looking for sonething so finished my call and asked what he was looking for. My keys he said. He said he had looked in his back pack, I checked the car, sometimes he drops them into the console. They werent i  his usual hidey spot. He thought back, last time he had used them was Wednesday night.

The car was packed and he went out to start ghe car, it started. Maybe, his keys were in the car  or my bag with my car keys were close enough to start it. He moved my bag to the top bedroom, car started. Got to be in the car somewhere.

Warren started in the front and I went to the boot. My bike and his scooter were there plus Warrens spare shoes, I caught a glimpse of something shiny.  He had dropped his keys into his shoes to make sure he had them.

House sitters were late due to car troubles so we didnt leave until 11am, drove to Gympie to have lunch with Warren's sister who has moved there recently. Wow, she will be 88 this year and looks 20 to 30 years younger. Her oldest son was also there, he doesnt have the same genes, hes five years younger than Warren but looks older.

Now at a compact cabin in Bundaberg, we went for a walk to the local Chinese place. So good and enough for lunch tomorrow.

Wednesday 6 April 2022

Bush walking

 I went out with Sheridan on Tuesday.

Little caterpillar climbing up a tree. I learnt to use my Secret Santa fishing pole. I was tempted to try it out on my own on Sunday as I was driving past a place where I know there is a tree hide. Thank goodness I didnt as although I have used a  fishing pole before to retrieve a cache, it has been extended for me. My arms were shaking by the time I got the xache on the ground. It was a long way up and the pole gets very bendy.

Left here and the tree and went bush, oh boy, it wasnt very far only 338meters but thats as the crow flies. We needed to stop every so often as it was steep. My tracker says that

 we had an elevation of 73 metres.

Photos are of tge down hill return. One of cYalves are sore today