Tuesday 6 April 2021

Spelling is so important!

 At the event over the weekend and there was fun stuff to do. One was a type of getting to know the area/campground. Given co ordinates and once there, had to put in the correct answer before going off to the next one.

Sheridan and I were cleaning the toilets and before going into the mens, a young guy cane out and we asked him to check if there was anyone else in there. We didnt want to surprise anyone. He checked and told us it was all clear.

We put the sign about cleaning out and were chatting while cleaning. The door opens and it is the same guy. He had come to see Sheridan as he couldnt get the camp kitchen answer to work. As they both went out, I heard him ask if he should have put in greý rather than silver.

The question was, "What colour is the sink in the kitchen" answer silver as it was stainless steel.

He had been typing in sliver, he now knows how to spell silver.

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