Tuesday 30 March 2021

Covid vaccinations

 Just back home from having ours. Warren was able to get his and he was going to wait until I was eligible but I got notice from the Hub (where I go to the drs) that I could book in for the vaccination.

After speaking with Warrens brother and his partner, who had theirs last week, we decided to look into it. Booking was all online and the next available was in two days time, this afternoon.

Warren got 5.50pm and mine was at 6.10pm.

Our appointments were confirmed and we had to complete a questionnaire regarding our health. Had to be there fifteen minutes prior and on either side of the reception rooms was I pads to to the same again. The one we did was for their records and the one on the spot was for Government records.

Once that was done we moved into a waiting room outside of doors all numbered, thirteen of them.

The doctor spent a few minutes talking about what to expect and checking some details, then through the back door on to a nurse who actually gave the jab. Very quick and easy, out the door again into another waiting room where we had to sit fir fifteen minutes. 

Vaccine given and received in under an hour, apparently it will still be possible to get Covid but it will not be as severe and we still need to do hand washing and social distancing. Second jab which we already have an appointment is in July.

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