Saturday 24 April 2021


 Almost lunch and time for some groceries. I would shop while Warren and Lucy would go for a walk. Silly us, we took all the shopping bags out of the car except one which we were using for dirty clothes. They took a tumble onto the back seat of the car. 

I was surprised to see them just across from the car. Apparently Lucy went so far then sat down and refused to move. Warren said he couldnt be bothered dragging her so they waited under the shade of a bottle tree. He said he knows now once I say about her when he runs parkrun. 

One cache was out the road so that was our lunch spot, Warren found it while I was getting lunch on top of the van. Yes, it was a stop but no tables or seats. Second cache further out and we got that as well, both had been written up as did not finds. Next one along was one at a small community hall and we hadnt been able to find it before. I was going to give it a miss but Warren said we should have a go. Well, we found it in about ten minutes after reading the ligs which suggested the coirds were out by about ten metres. Yay, three for the day, there were others byt we had already turned them in smilies on trips before.

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