Thursday 29 April 2021


 We did a little detour to Yowah. Had the gps set to take the turnoff to Yowah but driving along, we saw a sign to Yowah, 30 kms! What the?  We turned around and yep it was bitumen, this must be it.

It wasnt! As 100 metres into it uit turned to gravel but we had both been brought up on gravel roads so what the hell, we continued. It appeared that they had had a grader over it and it was a pretty good road for half of it. Then it got rather ordinary with some wash outs but Warren took it slow and we made it to the bitumen jyst outside of town. 

There's opal in them thar hills! Yowah is famous for tge Yowah nut. There was a store/ caravan park with a working artisan bore out the front. Then we took the road to the Bluff which had 360 degree views.

Warren had discovered Vancouver on the dial, only 23,000 kms that

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