Monday 26 April 2021

The Bluff Quilpie

 This was about 7 kms out if town.

It appeared almost out of nowhere, we parked in the car park and Warren said he would do this one, he knows how I dont like stairs or steps. I didnt count them byt think there was about eighty steps. He let Lucy off the lead and she raced away like a loon. 

Three 4wds pulled up soon after us and the younger three guys went up, one guy drove back to town to pick up supplies and two older guys stayed with the vehicles. Chatting them, they do a trip each year, one guy works as a tour guide but hes a mate and he organises where they do and stay. They had been at the farm stay the night before on the Darling river.

Lucy of course made new friends and ended up with a sore foot. We think the ground and rocks are too hard for her, she picked up a couple of prickles as well, they hurt. We left her in the car with the air con going and back gate open so she could see us but she wasnt interested in getting out. 

We do that now when we are setting up or packing up the camper, she jumps in the back and just watches. She is out of the way and by in the car, she knows we are not leaving her behind.

A couple of hours with her off her feet and it was okay again.

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