Wednesday 21 April 2021

On our selection.

 This was a radio show when I was a kid, more commonly known as Dad and Dave.

Dad and Dave were Australia's counterpart to Ma and Pa kettle. There were several if not hundreds of Dad and Dave jokes, Dave esp was a little bit thick.

Dad was actually Steel Rudd and they had a small farm and were always poor.

We turned up a road called Steel Rudd and up on a rise was a shingle hut. It is not a replica but built by the local community groups to show how people lived back in the day. I think Dad and Dave were set in the early 1900s. 

Inside the hut were stories, one was about a young school teacher who came to live with the family fir a month. Mrs Rudd had partitioned a corner for her and hung a hessian bag so she could have some privacay, at the time there were three other young boys besides Dave, they couldnt understand why she left after a week. 

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