Friday 23 April 2021


 Pulled in at 1.30pm, set up and went out around the town.

Had 6 caches on the list and only managed 2 and part of an adventure lab so that does count as an extra one.

Of course there was one here, not fond of these welcome to town signs, when tge road is busy, luckily fir me, it wasnt at that time. Next one was on a quiet road but still had 70 metres to walk in thigh high dry grass, I didnt even get out if the car, no way was I going in that. One was reasonably new with a dnf three weeks ago by an ecperienced couple, we didnt do any better. 

Drove out to a weir only to discover the entrance was barracked and therefore we couldnt get to the last three, one was in the top oldest in Qld.

We stayed at the showgrounds, which we had done before.

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