Tuesday 2 March 2021


 A trip to Beerwah for a walk and some caches. We parked at the sports ground and set off, it was a 3km round trip.

One of the murals painted on a storage shed at the sports ground. 

It was a concrete shaded path and we went under the overpass and through to another road.  Coming back we needed to deviate on a bush path for approx 300 metres. Lucy was running free until we saw some people coming towards us. We hitched her up and continued. We could then see that the group looked like school kids in uniforms.

They started yelling and waving their arms and then run back the way they had come. We keep walking only had 170m to go. 

Another 20 or so metres on and the kids started yelling again, there were about eight or nine of them, doing a Maori looking dance, with sticks.

Not sure what they were doing but when Warren asked if I wanted to leave it, I quickly said yes.

Coffee later in a park and Lucy and I found a painted rock. The car park was very hot so I was taking her along the top which was shaded, Warren had the boot up so she only had two or three steps in the sun.


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