Thursday 4 March 2021

Moss or seed stitch

 At crochet class we are learning a new stitch each week. Today it was moss stitch and it was a surprise to all of us.

Out tutor says that she researches a stitch, finds a pattern and prints copies then does a swatch the night before class.

Today was the first day that we hadn't known beforehand what we were going to do.

There have been a couple that I struggled to read the pattern. Last week it was a bobble stitch and that was okay but not a stitch I could see myself doing a big item in. Many times it is used to write a name on a blanket or insert a heart.

Anyway I mastered the stitch today. Came home and did two samples, I am working up a book with the patterns and d a sample plus I did two blocks.  As a group we are making these blocks six inches by six inches and they will be put together for a blanket or two to donate.

It was determined today that I am a loose crocheter as I was the only one who had gaps, the others are very close like weaving. Robyn checked what I was doing and said it was right and if I wanted it to be tighter or firmer to use a smaller hook but I like it like that.
I think my next blanket will in moss stitch.

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