Saturday 20 March 2021

Painted silos

 These have been popping up all around the country for a few years. Very impressive. About five years ago we were coming home from Adelaide and Warren read an article about silos in Coonalpyn that had recently been finished. We used to live near there and so we took a detour to go and see them.

Each silo, there were four towers, features young kids in the area, they ranged in ages from nine to twelve. We bought some lunch at a cafe across from them and discovered the the woman serving us was one of the mums of the kids. 

They are so well done and so lifelike.

Imagine my surprise when I drove into our town from the west, its rare for us to go that way and I saw our local water had been painted. Apparently it had been done a couple of years ago. No silos here but most towns have a water tower somewhere so they are getting art worķ. Not as big but still impressive.  

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