Wednesday 9 September 2020

Drawstring toiletry bags

 The charity that I sew, knit and crochet for have been looking for toiletry bags. They receive soaps, shampoos, toothbrushes and the like which they pack into small bags so they can be given to people in need. 

I had spare pieces of fabric and I made a few bags but the cord was $3.30 a metre, as one takes approx half a metre, it is the most expensive part of them. I had bought four metres but that didnt make many. I was trying to come up with an alternative which one of the members posted on Facebook that venetion blind cord was much cheaper.

I asked Warren to pick me up some when he was next in Bunnings. It was $5.30 for a 30 metre roll, that will keep me in draw strings for awhile. Depending on the fabric piece, I aim to make them about A4 size.

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