Sunday 20 September 2020

Blackwater and comet

 I expected Blackwater to be a bit of a backwater but no, it was quite a big place. With Subway, KFC and Maccas. Who would have thought? I had a find at a Lions park, put there by a guy I had met in Alice Springs a couple of years ago. Bundyandrum drives trains and ut was called Bundy' commute. Warren dropped me off and then went to fill up. So many places to look on a train, gave up after ten minutes and walked to the next one. Should have been easy, hint said front and centre and a date. 

It wasn't easy! Two that we didnt find. This was a statue of coal miners as that is the main industry. We had been to maccas for breakfast and did some grocery shopping.

Comet was an hour up the road and Warren asked if there were caches there, I think he knew I was a little annoyed re Blackwater
Comet had comet tales which were signs around the township telling the history. We took the time to wander and picked up our days quota. Nice little place but like many others, stores had closed in the town.

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