Saturday 26 September 2020


 So we toodled down to Cairns for the day, it was only 67kms but because the road is quite windy, it was a ninety minute drive. We did stop at a couple of places. 

First stop was called pebble beach and there were signs regarding not removing any stones. They would look great in a garden.

I did drop it back after a photo. The beach with stones was only about 100 metres long with hundreds of rocks.
Next stop was called a living monument and we had no idea what to expect.
People build them, just rocks on top of one another.

Got to Cairns and Warren headed off to Jaycar and I walked the 268m to grab a cache. It was outside a back packers hostel and there was no hint. The description did say that there was no need to go on private property although the co lived there and checked the cache every day. A head slap as i realised ut was in the letterbox.

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