Saturday 23 May 2020

The Great Toilet Paper Chase.

Tuesday was a caching day and I selected to follow an adventure lab. These have been popping up all over the place but a caches has to be selected to place one.

Warren and I got one last year and as we didn't know too much about them, the closest one was an hour and a half away which we did before setting ours up.

Thus particular one started at the bottom of what was the Hornibrook Bridge. I remember this bridge when we first visited Queensland when I was eleven. It was an old wooden bridge that was very bumpy, these days there is a nice new steel bridge.

Anyway we had to locate the toilet block and then a question appeared which we had to answer. We followed the coastline to four other suburbs. Thankfully at one of the parks, there was a mobile coffee cart and even though we had to queue by social distancing, the coffee was good and welcome.
The sand flats, it was rather windy but sunny, good day to walk along the foreshore.
Opposite one of the parks was this nice looking church. It was also an off lead dog area which Lucy loved running free. Too quick for me to get a photo though.

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