Monday 25 May 2020


Back at the park to have coffee with friends. We took our own coffee and chairs as we expected the covered areas were full by the time we got there at 9.45am.

Quite a few people around but the park is big so not a problem to social distance. It was forecast to rain and we all had rugged up a bit as we knew that we would be sitting out in the elements.

It was really nice to see each other after being in lockdown. We had been chatting regularly by video but not the same as being in one anothers space.

That evening as I was cleaning my teeth, I noticed that my nose was red. I had sunburn! My nose was burnt. It's almost winter for goodness sake. I guess it just goes to show that sun cream  should be used when going outdoors regardless of the time or season. Thankfully the next morning the redness had gone and no peeling.

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