Sunday 10 May 2020

The BAT in the lounge room.

So with holidays off the agenda for awhile, I suggested to Warren that we replace our TV. It had been playing up a bit for some time. No ABC unless we rerouted it through the set top box.

The plan had been to wait until next year. We had checked out prices and sizes a few months ago so we knew what was what.

During our time together, we have always bought things quickly but we decided we should check the three different places in our area that sold Tv's. We also decided to look for two new chairs.

Four hours later with our heads reeling with information, we went back to one place to sit in the chairs again. That was it, we put down a deposit, downside was the one we wanted was not available for six weeks.

Next was TV, we couldn't face continuing so went home for a very late lunch. Warren went back the next day to collect the TV we had chosen. They had sold out so he went with a different brand and got a bigger screen for less money. Warranty etc was the same. So far so good.
Old tv removed.
New TV installed. It had now been mounted on the wall and painting hooks removed. Had to name the TV so as to have some features start working, its name Big Assed Tv or BAT for short.
Warren listed old tv for sale and it was gone in 40  minutes some guy wanted to play netflix through it so wasnt concerned about no abc.

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