Friday 22 May 2020

Back Pain

Wow, it certainly can bring one to their knees.
I did grocery shopping yesterday mid morning and Warren carried it inside as usual. About 9pm last night, I got a couple of  spasms in my back. Didnt think much of it, Warren blamed the shopping and said he should/would come with me in future. I think it was too far apart but cant think what else it could be.

I slept okay until 4am when I think I went to turn over and the sharp pains when I moved woke me. My groaning/yelping woke Warren, he helped me to roll over and then massaged my back. I did manage to get a bit more sleep once I had a hot water bottle on it. More yelping when it was time to get up for a shower. The hot water helped then it was another hot pack and watch a movie.

We had family coming for lunch, luckily I had decided on a ploughmans platter and I was able to prep it during the morning. Warren went to tennis and I had asked him to pick up a box of ice creams for dessert.

Still painful but not as bad but back on the couch with a hot bag, hopefully it will be okay by tomorrow.

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