Wednesday 26 February 2020

The lady in the van

We bought and watched this movie the other day. It was one on my radar to see when it came out, primarily because it starred Maggie Smith.

When we were in China and buying dvds for entertainment,  I would be drawn to movies starring her, Judy Dench and Nicole Kidman. As often, the only English was the title and actors names. By buying because of the actors, it sort of guaranteed if not a good movie then at least a watchable one. Someone reccommended movies with Nicholas Cage and we bought about six at one time, I guess two out of six was okay. Actually we still have movies that we bought over there that we havent watched. If we went to the dvd place, we would spend about 100 rmb each time, as they averaged 7 rmb each or less than $2, we didnt mind too much if the movie wasnt that good, we moved it on or threw it out.

I didn't know anything about this movie except the title. It was a strange movie and went over a period of fifteen years with some flash backs. It wasn't one of Maggie's best, although that was subject matter more than acting, definitely thought provoking and I got a lot of crocheting done.

I spent the first thirty minutes trying to work it out then I realised that was what it was about. Two main characters and both have strange or funny quirks. 

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