Monday 10 February 2020

A wet day out

We heard about an Antiques fair to be held at Esk on the weekend. Not that we wanted or needed anything but we thought we would go and have a look. It was one of the things I wanted to do in England and while we did stop and go to a car boot sale, where I bought three match box cars in their boxes for a pound each. Unfortunately I took them out of their boxes to travel home and of course that reduces their value, antway I digress, great word that, I like using it and the way I rambled there probably is lots of opportunities to do so.

The weather didn't look too good so we had decided to put our trip on hold then it cleared and we changed our mind again. Great weather going out, the fair was good I guess if one was in the market for things like that. I did see some Morecroft pottery and Laleeke glassware that I recognised from watching Bargain Hunt on TV.

They had a catering van parked outside and while we were there we could see the rain coming in.

It was a wet trip home for about half way.

The computer says to fix the lighting but this is how is was mid afternoon. Warren stayed in the car on a patch of tar while I ventured out to collect a cache. I thought it was on the bridge but the phone moved around and I had to step out into wet grass.
Next stop was off to the right and a huge horse outside a property.

We were about 50 metres away and the rain was getting heavier and although we stopped, we chickened out, stayed in the car and decided to that one for another day. It would have been a 60 metre trek in bush, wet, boggy and altogether yuk.

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