Sunday 16 February 2020

Birthday lunch

It was my birthday a few weeks ago and prior to that we had driven past an icon that had changed hands and decor, it was now a pub. I requested that we go there for lunch.

It did mean driving up the main highway about an hour but being a week day the traffic wasnt too bad.

Decor is very green and yellows and it is now called Banana Bender pub.
The bar is on the ground floor and the dining area is up two flights of stairs, rather steep ones. They told us where the stairs where but not that there was a lift. Very beach looking the colours and the cane furniture.

Food was pretty quick, I ordered lemon myrtle Kalahari came with chips and salad, Warren ordered spring rolls, he got salad only that was good as I handed over about two thirds of my chips. The salad must have been good as I finished it all. Most salads are full of greenery and I usually leave about half.
We finished up sharing a banana split, thank goodness we did as it was massive, two days of limited eating after to make up for it. Just as well birthdays only come once a year.

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