Friday 11 January 2019

Tony Robinson's Time Walks

We drove to the beach and tennis this morning. Warren wanted to do a clean up around the courts. Lucy and I decided togo as well. Actually we were going to take her anyway but she wasdetermined she was coming. Warren went tomove some stuff in the rear back and Lucy jumped in and waited!

Now that we put her in the rear back rather than the back seat,she really enjoys travelling. I wonder if she feels more secure there as its flat. She sits up most of tge time and looks out.

We had a nice walk around a different area and Warren gotdone what he wanted to do. I assumed we would go to the beach for adrink after but he was keen to get home so I made an iced chocolate at home instead of buying one.

Sitting down to relax, thought we would flick the TV on and there was Tony Robinson. He was an actor and now does walks and talks. Wehave seen a few that he has done in England. Todays walk and talk was around Brisbane and he visited several places that Ihad not heard of, started at an old wind mill introduced by somebody Logan. Next there were statues that looked lime dalecks from Dr Who but apparently go back to a Greek tradegy. He also said that Brisbane had been called Morton Bay and several lots of convicts came here.

There was segegation when American war ships would stop for R&R in WW2. Many of the sailors and soldier were black Americans and as such were banishedto South Brisbane and allowed into the city proper. I did not know that happened here. Makes me want to research more of the history.

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