Sunday 20 January 2019

Project of the month

I have been knitting beanies, fingerless gloves and neck scarves for a few months. These are for a charity run by a lady that I know, she runs weekly or fortnightly knitting groups at library around quite a large area.

Another friend of mine has been knitting squares for blankets, I am not sure when she started, she may do it from Jan to Dec but she made 20 blankets for the charity. She has set herself a challenge of making 25 this year. Some are knitted, some crocheted and some are knitted squares.

As it has been hot, I thought squares would be easier/quicker to do. I asked Katie, (20 blankets) what size she makes them. Approx 125 x 160 cms. My pattern is 7inches by 9 inches. It took me over a month to knit 45 of them and then three days to sew them all together.

I did seven rows of six therefore only using 42 and it measures 135x 155cm. It was easier to put the rows together by laying them on the kitchen bench and then stitching them.
I just used balls that I had in my stash and each one was knitted with either a white or cream. Not that happy with the colours. I will crochet around the outside in one other colour but when it is cooler.
I have started squares for a second and will only use two or possibly three colours,  I have four knitted already. All this sport on TV helps the knitting along.

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