Saturday 19 January 2019

Lunch yum!

Got a thing for food at the moment. Shopped at Aldi today and they have changed the store layout since I was last there. The checkers go so fast that Ihave trouble keeping up. Its not so bad if the groceries can be all on the bench before they start processing mine but that doesnt happen often. I said to Warren this morning that I wanted to go and he offered tocome with me.

Yay, he packed the trolley while I unloaded soit all went swimmingly. Although it did cost a little more than I was expecting as a few things ended upin the trolley that werent on the list.

One extra and unexpected was cooked prawns, a round of prawns was priced at $5.99, sounded like a good lunch to me cheaper than going to a cafe.

I put some salad and cheese and olives with them and there is enough for lunch tomorrow. A win/win.

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