Friday 25 January 2019

Cricket in church

What? Yep, I saw a doco this afternoon of a church in Melbourne that has opened their church for indoor cricket.

Ten years ago there was a lot of racial problems in this inner suburb. Dont know what denomination the church is but they thought by encouraging young people to play sport would help.

Apparently it has, although members have not increased.

Cricket is played in the church six nights a week. Umpires sit in a high chair above the wicket, there is the church wicket and the other end is called the pub end.

The centre aisle is the pitch and seems that the pews are pushed into the sides where spectators can sit, nets go across and whoo la, cricket is on. The priest or father does say a prayer at the start of play each night, he invites them to take part but it is not mandatory and he does keep it short.

What a brilliant thing.

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