Tuesday 6 November 2018

Writing from the Gut.

This was the name of a free seminar that Warren and I went to on Saturday morning. It was for about an hour although we did go a bit overtime as there were many questions asked.

The guy taking the seminar is a local published author, he has one book out and the second one is due to be released in Feb.

He is a high school teacher and he told us that when he knew that he wanted to write, he set himself a task to write 1000 words every day. Later though he did say that he didnt write in the school holidays, that was family time.

He wrote three novels and one novella which was nominated for a literary prize but no body wants novellas at the moment so that one hasnt gone any further.

Someone asked him how he found time to write and he said that he is able to do the thousand words while in front of the tv, his wife watches, he writes. He said that it is only about an hour or bit more to do 1000. He pointed out that not all of those thousand are any good or end up in the book, but that he is practising his craft.

This morning I wrote 678 words in one hour before taking a break.

Ben Hobson is his name and his book is called To become a whale. Quite a lot about men relating to boys.

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