Sunday 4 November 2018

A Man shop

My computer worked fine yesterday morning but when I sat down to work, I had no a,s or d again. Did my usual tricks but nothing, then yep the a worked, woohoo! Yep then the w,s and x were out. How flipping annoying. Warren had told me to buy a new keyboard a few days ago but I thought I could fix it.

Tearing my hair as I was behind, jumped in the car at 3.30pm, I had asked Warren if I had time to go and get it, most businesses close at 4pm.

I was thinking of which entrance would get me in the door quicker. I must have looked like a woman on a mission as a young guy headed in my direction as soon as I burst throught the automatic doors. "Can I help you today " unusual for me I said Yep, I need a usb keyboard.
As I am following him through the store he asks do I want a cheap one or a good one
"I want one the the letters all work as my current one doesnt"
He took one off the shelf, I said good who do i pay?
Went back to fron door to the counter, handed over my card and I was on my way.
Back home, in tge door asking Warren to hook it up at 3.50pm, then I find out the the stire was open on Saturdays until 5pm.

Ahhh, new keyboard that was hooked up to a bigger screen and I got another 1800 words written, still a little behind at the end if the day but catching up.

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