Friday 9 November 2018

Techo update

Our phone went out a couple of weeks ago,  only realised it when we needed to ring to make an appointment. Interest was still working so we had computer and our mobiles.

Got on to telstra and they decided it was our modem and they would send us a new one free. We actually had a second one up in the cupboard that had never been used as we had received two within weeks of each other and no one wanted the second one returned so we kept it for those in case moments.

Spare one didnt work either! New modem came in the post and Warren went to replace it. Our old one was quite stream lined and he had mounted it on the wall with the wires enclosed.
The two screws are from where it was held in place.
New modem with lots of wires and no wall mounts. Very untidy looking and we can be tidy enough without extra stuff.

One trip to Bunnings to buy brackets and a little bit of measuring, cutting and yay we have a tidy looking shelf with wires mostly hidden.
My fish picture was reloacated and the London bridge doesnt have a home yet, the backing fell off it when jt was taken down so it may end up in the bin.

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