Friday 23 November 2018


Today is the 23 November and for national novel writing month, the total of words to be written is 37, 000 and plus a few.

Every three days needs another five thousand in order to finish on time, on or before 30 November.

I/we got to 40,000 tonight before calling it quits for the day. Planning on having a big day of writing tomorrow.

I like to put in my word count every so often and always update at the end of the day.

Total is 40054 words.

Checking emails in bed, there is a congratulation email from nanowrimo regarding hitting 40k. As part of that and to keep writing there was a suggestion from a young writer only eight years of age to include "an awkward dinner"  I,m thinking thats crazy, then I realised that I had written that this afternoon.

Main character was preparing a roast chicken dinner and asked the menfolk to carve oops blood run out, it was cooked properly then dessert was a Pavlova and there was a discussion between the kiwis and the aussie about its origins. So awkward dinner done and dusted.

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