Thursday 1 November 2018


Yep, its that time of the year again. National novel writing month or nanowrimo. Thirty days to write a 50,000 word novel.

Warren wants to write something between us and he did have a good idea, which I didnt have any thoughts and was considering giving it a miss. Anyway a two hour planning meeting took place on Monday. I even took notes and a thought map on a big piece of paper!

Today was the first dayand Warren was tapping away on my laptop. Its the one that I use and has been on several trips with us and known as "mine". His lap top is hooked up to the tv for when we want to watch something on netflx.

Table tennis was on this morning too but Warren had 281 words done before we left. After we got home, he told me that jt was my turn to write the next scene while he took Lucy for a walk. I did some then made lunch and did a bit more. No pressure, as its easy pleasy to 1667 in a day right? Yeah, when everything is going okay.

We discovered that we had no phone service when Warren went to ring the vet, Lucy ended up walking on only three legs again and it appears to be a tendon snapping around the knee joint. Sort of got phone sorted, got an apt with the vet and I wanted to do more writing.

Now my laptop is very old and in the past has had letters not working at times so of course that happened this afternoon. Its rather difficult to read what has been written when the a,s and d are not there. I left it for a bit, I turned the a/c on thinking it may have over headed, not likely, still missing letters.

So todays total is 889 hopefully we can make up the rest tomorrow.

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