Tuesday 16 October 2018

The rivers are running

After the rain thats been on and off for several days, Warren suggested we go for a drive to check out the water levels.

We headed out to a park not far from home that we have been to before, we knew that Lucy would love the chance to run.
We walked to the end of the road which was not passable. Just over the causeway the road runs into private property.  The water was running over the road pretty fast but I dare say by tomorrow, it would be under the level and therefore be able to be used again.
The water wound its way away through the paddocks and over the road again. There were four floodways before reaching the end of the road and the park. It does get a little busy on weekends and esp in summer. The park has several tables and chairs under the trees, one set is even under a patio and there is a toilet block as well.

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