Saturday 20 October 2018


I had pondered on getting netflix for awhile but had never done anything about it. Talking with my sister and brother in law, it seems that they use it quite a lot.  Being country they dont or havent been able to access tv as much as city and so they signed up to netflix several years ago.

Netflix is being able to get movies and series through computer. Yay to be able to watch something without ads.

I decided to look into it. Opps while checking it out, there was an offer of a free month,  how could one possibly knock that back.

First day I watched a movie on the laptop. Warren set up one of the laptops to the TV and now we can watch it on the bigger screen. Yep, decided that $9.90 a month was worth while spending.

Second month went by and I dont think we watched anything on it. However this last week with bruises and a sore shoulder, I have more than got my monies worth.

Watching a series called Jack Irish, didnt know anything about it but it looked intriguing. To my surprise it is an Aussie production with Guy Pearce from Priscilla, the guy who was the Mayor in The Dish, he plays a lot of character roles, guy from Boney, another guy who played a young cop  when the cop shows were very popular. So far I have watched five episodes and it is a good show and no ads!

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