Monday 15 October 2018

Battered and bruised

Taking Lucy for a walk yesterday and we set off up the hill as we hadnt been that way for awhile. I had been cutting down the hill but last time there was a magpie swooping a kid on a bike, didnt swoop us but I didnt want to take the chance.

We wandering along, it had rained and for Lucy there were lots of things to smell. All of a sudden, I heard someone yell and turned to look at the sound, saw a black mat of fur coming hellbent for the fence and barking furiously.

Poor Lucy took off, she was terrified! Next thing I knew, I was on the ground and Lucy was trying to pull away  ut due to her lead she couldnt go any further. I couldnt hear the other dog anymore and had to coax Lucy to come to me while getting up.

She was shaking and we got out of  there as soon as we could.  We take a pathway just north of that place and Lucy had returned to her usual self by the time we turned onto the path.

As I was dirty from the fall, Warren suggested I have another warm shower to clean up and help with any bruises or scratches that i may have. Lucy was out of sorts last night, from the incident or weather we couldnt work out.

After a nights sleep, my bruises have come to the fore, I have one on my left knee probably I fell on to that, one on my right thigh, I was carrying an umbrella so I assume it was from that and no bruising but I have a painful sore right shoulder.

Taking it easy today, nothing desperately needs doing except some washing and as it is wet, that will have to go in the dryer anyway.

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