Monday 22 October 2018

Power outages

The other night I couldnt sleep and Warren woke up as well so what to do, have a midnight feast, well coffee and toast at least.

I went to the kitchen and put on the jug, grabbed the toaster and bread from the freezer and plugged the toaster in, suddenly blackness! Warren went outside to the fusebox and we started again. I waited til the jug had flipped off before turning the toaster on, nah, same again.

Looked like te toaster had sh... itself as nothing else was on except a light. Warren disappeared outside again and brought in the toaster from the caravan. All good, coffee and toast and read our books before going back to sleep.

Yesterday however was very different with a power outage, we were expecting rain, possible storms around 2.30, well, the prediction was only about 20 minutes later. First loud clap and we had no power, storm and rain lasted for about an hour. It was a bit dark inside but could still see and we put on our new camping lantern just in case. It threw enough light to get around.

Power and everything was restored about 5pm, just for us to see a bit of the news about flooding in Toowoomba and hail down south and it all went black again. Thinking about get out candles and stuff and back on it came and then stayed on.

Hopefully some of the rains has got out west where they really need it.

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