Friday 26 October 2018

A weekend adventure

Last weekend Sheridan and I went to see a piece of local history that was less than 30 minutes from home. I had no idea that it was there but during war years there was a large area with several buildings using radio transmission.

The huts that we saw are domed shaped and they reminded me of Nissan huts that featured on many military bases and housed refugees and migrants were they first came to Australia.

They looked like they were built from wood but on closer inspection, they are cement, the woods were used to pour the cement into and are about six inches thick.
This photo was taken at the entrance of one of the domes. Dont know how many people would have worked there, its possible that personnel were housed in tents as the buildings that are there were work station with trenches through the floor for cables.

Outside were the iron structures that were bases for the aerials. 
The last building housed the generator which ran on diesel. The fuel had to be brought in by truck in 44 gallon drums. We got there by driving on a bitumen three lane highway then a smaller bitumen road then a well formed gravel road for the last couple of kms. Of course back then, the roads were not so well formed and neither were rhe bridges. Four bridges the trucks had to negotiate before being about to deliver their fuel. The bridges werent built for trucks let alone trucks laden with 44 gallon drum of fuel. At each bridge, the drums had to be unloaded and rolled across the bridge then reloaded.
Very interesting to wander around and learn some history but written this, I realise how much I didnt find out.

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