Sunday 16 September 2018

While the cats away......

I get sun blinds made! Usually in summer when its too hot to do much, we talk about how to shade or cut down on sun coming into the house. Its a great topic when we are away from home and beleive me we have come up with some dozies on how and what to do about it. Some have included building on, but that would take mobw ey and council approval, so def in the too hard basket. Tinting the windows, again then need to find a person to do it or do it ourselves, hum easier but still too hard basket in the end.

Finally a solution, shade cloth shelters thingies!

Warren had made one in the first year we were here back in 2003 and while it was only going to be there for summer season, it has never been removed and it doing well. He said he could make them. Yay a solution at last. Shopping for materials meant a trip to Bunnings. Had to buy all at once as I would have the car. I was hoping for one to be completed when I returned but this was what I arrived home to see.

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