Saturday 1 September 2018

Our home away from home

Warren got an invite to go bike riding in a few weeks. When upgrading to a caravan and then trading the ute for a car to tow, we are short of  being able to have living space and space to transport bike.

We had discussed this problem being changing things and this was our solution.

We hadnt purchased it until he got the invite, then thought sh.....we had better do some thing about it. We were out at the time so wheeled around and went to BCF ad bought the above. Its big enough to stand up in, big enough for two camp beds, had a floor and a fly, even a flap from the door that can be peggedm out to sit under.

We had not priced them so didnt know how much we would need to spend but price tag stated $200 off so we bought it there and then.

It has all the pegs and ropes and poles with it. We put it up in the house first, then Warren put it up outside by himself as the first trip, I have another engagement so wont be going.

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