Thursday 6 September 2018

No Baggage

Thinking about what I need to take with me for the weekend, made me think of one of the books that I read in my bag from the library last time. It was called no baggage and it was a factual book rather than the ficton that I usually read.

Anyway the title of the book was No Baggage and the sub title stated Eight countries, three weeks one dress.

It was written about a couple who had got together and decided to travel together after onky knowing each other for about eight weeks. The male had done this type of gravelling before and invited her along. No plans at all except the first flight to Turkey from USA.

He had fairly quirky ideas and before they left, he wanted them to put things together that they were taking. He laid everything out on the kitchen bench and from scratch (read birthday suit), got dressed and packed. One Tshirt, one pair of knickers one pair of red jeans, pair of socks and shoes. One pocket had passport and $200 cash and money card, other front pocket had mobile phone and charger. It took him just under two minutes to get dressed and pack.

She had knickers, bra, dress, sandals, a shawl and a very small handbag with wallet, passport, two extras pairs of knickers, deo, half a toothbrush and two tampons, plus a small comb, phone and charger.

They caught trains and did use internet to get beds through couch surfing. Since that trip, they have done two more. She ditched the sandals and bought runners on day three.

I think that I pack reasonably light but no way could I do that. Four weeks in UK and my bag was 12 kgs for the trip, a little heavier coming back but not much.

Doesnt really help me to pack for the weekend and I will have almost the whole car to myself, it could be cold too, possibly wet. Do I take stuff to cater or do I just brave it out? Time will tell, maybe I will check the weather and decide from there

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