Sunday 2 September 2018

A trip to the big smoke

We needed to go to Childrens hospital earlier in the week, afterwards Aidan and I walked to South Bank, I hadnt realised it was so close, and then along the river.

Very nice walk and we saw a very different things, I also didnt realise that bush turkeys could fly! We spied this one up a tree, he was sitting on a branch about three metres up then walked up a branch for another couple of metres when I took the photo.
Further along was an interesting piece of art, could step down along it but the steps were very high, I went around through the garden and down the slope but Aidan took great delight in going up and down.
Every so often there were mosaic tiles in the broadwalk.
A pleasant walk to the convention centre where we caught the bus to the train station, so much easier than driving and try to park in the city.

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