Monday 24 September 2018

A Rainforest Walk

Last week we drove to Maleny and visited Mary Caincross park. Last time we went we only did a short walk which was called the butterfly walk,  only about 500 metres.

Ha, this time we did find the entrance to the rainforset walk, had to go through the reception area. Entry to that was by gold coin donation.

Lucky enough to see a family of pademelons, a very small version of kangaroos. The adults stood about half a metre tall with the babies or young around six inches. One young one was trying to get into the mothers pouch, she boxed his ears and wouldnt let him, we thought that she may have had another smaller one already in there. These were just off the path, in the bush, very hard to see and I did take some photos but couldnt see them against the foligage.

Massive trees and tree roots
 Warren with sister Val. We had scones jam and cream for lunch and enjoyed fantastic views.

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